2022年10月24日起公司註冊處只接受經收訂的指名表格 Only Revised Specified Forms are Acceptable by Companies Registry as from 24 October 2022

26 款與申報受保護資料有關的指明表格已予修訂。舊有版本的指明表格不會被接納以辦理登記。最新版本的指明表格可於公司註冊處網站「表格 > 指明表格」一欄下載。有關詳情請按此

26 specified forms pertaining to the reporting of Protected Information have been revised. Previous version of the specified forms concerned will not be accepted for registration.  Latest version of specified forms can be downloaded from the “Forms > Specified Forms” section of the Companies Registry’s website.  For more information, please click HERE.